Aeris quickly slipped of the bloodied straight jacket, and tossed it aside, just by chance... it landed on the young orderly's freshly murdered corpse. *He was a sad one, wasn't he?* *Yes.* She replied, as she unzipped the duffel bag, lying on the floor, and began to change out of the bright orange jumpsuit, and into her usual, casual looking, black clothes. *I do believe you've set a new record for yourself. They didn't even get you into a room, this time.* *I know, it gets easier every time I do it.* "This is where it happened... I'm sure it came from in there." *Better hurry.* *I know.* She thought, as she put her hand around the small pentagram hanging from the chain around her neck. "Here we go again..." And with that, she dissapeared. Chris Vincent