Ok, this probably won't be up to my standards, but it'll serve the purpose, I think) The golden android lay slumped against the wall, his glassy eyes staring lifelessly at the floor. Suddenly his head darted up, and his eyes glowed a faint green in the near darkness. -......Reactivating neural net. Activating data collection system...deactivating! Awaken. *TRAP! I...huh. Where the hell am I? Am I dreaming? Or dead?* -I am not sure if we are capable of dreaming, or of "dying". *Cryptic. Now, my question?* -We are intact. However I believe our eyes have sustained some damage. That or our data collection array has short circuited. *Why?* -Open our eyes again. You will observe that we are neither lying in an alley, gutted, or in a recovery room. *A...cave. And a hotel. Cool.* -Cool? If we are not dreaming, or damaged or even dead...then we are at least nor in New New York anymore. If that hotel is real, it'd be from the 1920's. 30's at the most. This may well be an unsafe place, and we still don't know how we got here! We may even have been kidnapped and sent to another club! We're in serious danger! We need to- *We won't accomplish anything sitting here gawping at the place. Let's check it out. Might be fun.* -But what if- *Hey! What if it is a dance club? I could learn some moves, or maybe find another robot like me, or something cool like that, maybe... -Why do I even bother? Forget it. Forget I ever said anything at all. *Don't worry, I wasn't listening.* With a whirring noise the android got to his feet and walked toward the hotel... (There. I hope I do better with the next one)