Terasuko sat quietly on her bed, dressed in her white nightgown, deep in prayer. Her hands were clasped together infront of her, and her head was bowed to the floor in reverence. "... May you always watch over me... my father, my lord, my god." She pulled back the sheets, and prepared to lie down... when she smelled it. "Smoke...?" She stood and walked to the door, carefully placing her hand on it. It was hot. She pressed her ear against the door, and she could hear the roar of flames, muffled through the door. "By Ceipheed's name..." She ran to her bed, and quickly slipped her robe on over her nightgown. She stood infront of the door, and prepared the best shield spell she could muster. Quickly, she threw open the door. Heat blasted her body, and smoke tore at her lungs. Coughing, she started down the hallway as fast as her legs could take her. Debri fell from the ceiling, occasionally striking her shield, and sometimes nearly breaking through. She called out for her friends... and for her love, Richard Kneirko... but she heard no reply. Perhaps they'd escaped... she could only hope so. She had no hope of finding them in this. If they weren't... She quickly shook off that thought. She was the only one she could save, for the moment. For once, she was thankful for her blindness. She knew her way around this place by feel, rather than sight. The smoke and flame couldn't blind her, she already was. However, the smoke was taking it's toll on her lungs, she held the collar of her robe over her mouth, to act as a filter. It helped a little, but not much. She was getting tired, and the heat sapping her strength as well... Finally she made it into a cavern. She didn't know which one it was. She wished for once she'd been a bit more adventurous, and done a little exploring... But it wasn't the time to worry anymore. She didn't have the strength left. She curled up on the cavern floor, and slept.