Slash giggled slightly, looking around the cave. It was pretty, all around her, smooth ice reflected her image over and over again. She would have probably stayed there a bit more, if she hadn't smelled the smoke. Blinking, the catgirl rushed in the direction the smoke came from, and stopped only when she saw the burning hotel. Slash could just watch as she watched the fire spread, quietly, then, sadly, and knowing there was nothing she could do, she left, sniffing softly about another place she would have liked to have called home. ---o--- Mar murmured quietly to herself, writing in a piece of paper what little she had found in the book she was currently holding with her other hand. The book that could very well be her only means home. So absort was she with her work that she didn't smell the smoke, until it got to cloud her vision. Mar blinked, coughed, and stood up, closing the book and stashing it... somewhere. She reached for the door, and opened, and was greeted by an inferno in the hallway. She blinked, and stepped back, the fire quickly entered her room, and began to spread. IN a split decition, Mar teleported away, hoping she wouldn't step right into another fire. She was lucky, as she teleported outside the hotel, and turned around. She was mute at the sight of the fire... She also saw that there was little she could do now. Using her powers would have probably only make the probably weakened walls collapse upon themselves. With a sigh, she brushed a bit of soot that had gotten in her robe, and wondered if everybody else was alright as she kept watching.