Anger, Fear, Hate, Happiness, Love. Emotions she had controlled so long ago, after many years, trying to set herself away the most possible from the person she loathed the most. All of them, every single one of them were raising, all over again. And she couldn't understand why. In a mixture of tears, screams, and even ocassional laughter, Oneira ran blindly down the tunnels. She hit herself against the walls, her elegant clothes tearing, but she cared little as she kept running. Then she fell. She rolled down the very inclined slope, and finally came to a stop. Crying in pain, confussion, and humiliation, she looked around. She saw it, a large, shifting shape by the end of the tunnel. A portal... maybe even the way back home. Forgetting all about her initial goal, and immersed in confusion, Oneira dived into the portal. --- Dr. Hayashi paced in front of the cave, nervously. Brown sat not far away, breathing heavily. The light child, Hikari, looked at them. "Will... will sis be ok?" She asked. Hayashi turned to look at her, a little exasperated. "For the millionth time today Hikari. WE. DON'T. KNOW!" Hikari winced, and stepped back. "Sorry..." Brown shook his head. "We have absolutely no ways of knowing if she's ok. We cannot risk sending someone thought that thing again..." "If you -hadn't- called her Shadow you old coot--" Hayashi was then rather rudely interrupted, as a loud crackle, like that of electricity, resounded from the cave. The three of them turned to look at it, and got to see a dirty, deshiveled, and shivering Oneira stumble out, and fall to the ground. Hikari screamed, and ran towards her sister, while Hayashi and Brown looked dumbfounded. "Sis! Are you ok?!" Oneira looked up, and scrambled to a half sitting position. "S... stay away..." Hikari blinked, and kneeled besides her. "... Oneira..." Oneira's eyes brimmed with tears, whimpering her words again, shivering... and then Hikari hugged her, gently. "... Its ok sis... its ok..." Hikari whispered, gently. The shadow child blinked, as a miriad of emotions flowed though her again... and she settled for crying, loudly, as her sister hugged her. Hayashi and Brown looked at each other for a few moments, and then back at the light and shadow children. "... gods, what did they do to her?" Hayashi mumbled.